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Vantage Video Distributors  on Vantage Video Distributors

Star: Michelle Angelo

Softcore S519 1960s (disc)
Softcore S519 1960s (disc)
Release Date: 8/15/2005
Manufacturer: Blue Vanities
Stars: Baba | Bertha | Brown Bomber | J. Reynolds | Keli Stewart | Michelle Angelo | Roberta Pedon | Vivian Mayer
Classic vintage stag films, American and European porno loops, arcade nudes and strippers. Blue Vanties presents the greatest and hottest films from the 1920s to the 1980. An exciting nostalgia trip.


Roberta Pedon(Beaver)
Brown Bomber(Split Beaver)
Keli Stewart(Split Beaver)
Baba(Split Beaver)
Roberta Pedon In Rub Me Off(Split Beaver)
Vivian Mayer(No Beaver)
J. Reynolds(No Beaver)
Vivian Mayer (No Beaver)
Michelle Angelo(Beaver)
Vivian Mayer (No Beaver)
Michelle Angelo In Girl Watcher(Beaver)
Bertha(Split Beaver)
Michelle Angelo(No Beaver)
Michelle Angelo & Friend - In Bare Skin Ball (Beaver)